Has Adobe Gotten its Mojo Back?
Has Adobe Gotten its Mojo Back? : For the past several months a creeping sense of ambivalence between myself and my relationship with Adobe had been rattling through my consciousness like a song I couldn’t get out of my head. As a web guy I couldn’t shake the sense that Adobe was spending an inordinate amount of time telling the universe how great things were with DPS and mobile with very little chatter over on the web side of the fence. In short, I detected a disconnect between Adobe’s claim to love web development and its “practice” of pushing DPS at the industry. With all of the cool web technologies that were cascading down on us I just couldn’t understand why Adobe was so slow in reacting to an industry that was in hyperdrive when it came to “change”. It was almost as if, since its Flash announcement last year, that the company had somehow lost its mojo. The only real connection I was feeling with Adobe was the Animate team. Then, for over a year, the Adobe Animate team t...