
Showing posts from June, 2013

Why not to use WordPress for you Automotive Blog

In regards to questions on my post about Wordpress blogs. Number one let me make perfectly clear as stated in the post “ Wordpress is an impressive software package that allows individuals with minimal understanding of web design to put together a web site rapidly, and for personal use it is unmatched ” The second thing I should mention is that just because your wordpress site has not been defaced that does not mean it could not be or has not been hacked. Hackers attack sites and applications for various reasons, weather that be to test their skill set, deface sites with their tags and graphics, site hijacking, scanning databases for personal information, and the list of reasons go on and on. Doing a simple search of wordpress hacked will bring back thousands of results with most of them pointing to information on how to recover from a hacked wordpress site. Trust me all the various security gurus out there would not of taken the time to cover the topic in such great detail i...

VL Automotive Blogger VS Wordpress

One question I'm commonly asked in regards to blogging platforms is why do I prefer my self rolled VL Automotive Blogging System vs Wordpress or Joomla type of systems. Well its a great question, coming from primarily an application development & security background the number one reason would be because of security concerns. Wordpress is an impressive software package that allows individuals with minimal understanding of web design to put together a web site rapidly, and for personal use it is unmatched. Nevertheless, for commercial use you will want to question whether it be a good idea to use software which is habitually hacked, delivers slow performance and involves continuous technical attention. The VL Automotive Blogging System consist of about 20 files containing markup code whereas a Wordpress or Joomla site normally contain over 1,000 files of code and can exceed 6,000 files depending on the plug-ins installed. The amount of code that needs to b...