
Showing posts from January, 2014

Here's how to know if your Gmail has been hacked

#HACKING Stay safe (Image credit: Reuters) By Nishtha Kanal   With news of more hacks and leaks emerging every day, its pretty safe to say that you’re not necessarily paranoid if you constantly worry about your email being hacked. What with online vigilante hacker groups like the SEA and Anonymous leaking millions of passwords onto the web, and the NSA snooping on the email accounts of even world leaders, the chances that your mail could be hacked are not really that slim. But the good news is that if you have a Gmail account, you can easily check whether or not you have been hacked. Google has provided users with tools right within the Gmail inbox that can help keep your account secured. Here’s how it works: To check if your account has been targeted and hacked into without your knowledge, you need to log into your Gmail account using a desktop browser. Now scroll down to the bottom of your inbox and locate a link called “Details”. When you click on it, a pop-up window will ...

12 Outdated Web Features That Need to Disappear in 2014

12 Outdated Web Features That Need to Disappear in 2014 BY SCOTT GERBER We've all been there — yelling at a computer screen or particular website because the antiquated design prevents you from getting where you want to go. But outdated features on your company's website can do more than annoy — it can cost you potential clients or customers. SEE ALSO:  How to Balance Your Personal and Professional Lives on Twitter To figure out what exactly agitates users the most, we asked 12 entrepreneurs which website features small businesses should avoid (or get rid of) at all costs. Here's what they had to say: 1. Irrelevant Elements By far, the biggest issue I come across with new site launches is this: They use too many elements that bring no real value to the audience. In fact, these often just downgrade user experience considerably. There are too many crowded designs and too much text on one page. There are too many icons and photos. Does your site really need a search bar? D...