
Showing posts from February, 2014

Taking Down Silicon Valley's Electrical Grid with Rifles?

If you've been reading Global Guerrillas for years,  you'll recognize the type of attack  I'm about to describe.   It's very similar to the easy (anybody can do it, as opposed to cyber) type of attack on critical systems that be became so popular in Iraq (and were so effective in preventing any meaningful economic recovery, which helped fuel the insurgency).  For more: 1 ,  2 ,  3 , just do a search on the bottom right. Last year, one or two people shot up a electrical substation in central California that fed Silicon Valley.  As is usual in this type of attack, it was successful yet nobody was arrested or hurt -- which makes attacks like this easier to recruit for and easier to repeat. The attackers initiated the attack at ~1 AM on April 16, 2013 and ended it ~1 hour later.  Here's what they did: Entered two different manholes and cut the communication landlines to the station area (911 service to security monitoring at the substation).  ~Sa...