Adding start up to linux
On the list of things to do after an install of SVN was to get Ubuntu to start the service at boot. This procedure will work for almost anything you’d like to do at boot.
Step 1 – Create your script.
Simply create a new file (I called mine startsvn) and type the command you’d like to run
cd /etc/init.d/
sudo touch startsvn
sudo vi startsvn
svnserve -d -r /usr/local/svn/repository_name
Step 2 – Save the script in the /etc/init.d/ folder
Step 3 – Make the script executable
sudo chmod +x startsvn
Step 4 – Add the script to the boot sequence
sudo update-rc.d startsvn defaults
Another example say you want to start up your ColdFusion server at boot
Step 1 create a link to your coldfusion script
sudo ln -s /opt/coldfusion9/bin/coldfusion /etc/init.d/coldfusion
Step 2 update the boot sequence
sudo update-rc.d coldfusion defaults
Step 1 – Create your script.
Simply create a new file (I called mine startsvn) and type the command you’d like to run
cd /etc/init.d/
sudo touch startsvn
sudo vi startsvn
svnserve -d -r /usr/local/svn/repository_name
Step 2 – Save the script in the /etc/init.d/ folder
Step 3 – Make the script executable
sudo chmod +x startsvn
Step 4 – Add the script to the boot sequence
sudo update-rc.d startsvn defaults
Another example say you want to start up your ColdFusion server at boot
Step 1 create a link to your coldfusion script
sudo ln -s /opt/coldfusion9/bin/coldfusion /etc/init.d/coldfusion
Step 2 update the boot sequence
sudo update-rc.d coldfusion defaults