Man's Search for Birth Mother Leads to Somers - Somers NY News - TAPinto

Man's Search for Birth Mother Leads to Somers - Somers NY News - TAPinto: "SOMERS, N.Y.--Seventy-six years ago, Lanny  Silks was born in Lewistown, Pa. Very shortly after that, his mother left him. Just two years ago, Lanny began his quest to uncover who she was. That genealogical journey has brought him to Somers.

“I grew up hearing people talk about my Mom and Dad Silks, my adopted parents,” the retired steelworker said. “They would say, ‘Abe Silks ain’t your dad.’ People just making remarks, thinking I wasn’t paying attention.”

But Abraham and Mary Alice Silks weren’t his adopted parents–not yet. Lanny’s birth mother left him with the family of his biological father, George “Bud” Corson. Lanny grew up believing that Bud, 23 years his senior, was really his brother. Mary Alice was actually Bud’s biological mother, and Lanny’s grandmother."

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