Where To Find Great Sales People
![]() | 1. Don't Run Ads! Do This Instead.
Don't run ads and ask for resumes! Resumes are flat, one-sided ways to view a person. With such a key position, you need to see them. 1.) Pay attention: If you're out and see a particularly sales-oriented and energetic coffee barista or waiter, this may be an ideal candidate for you. Personality is far more important than experience--you can train someone who is a great salesperson naturally. 2) Get a video resume. Is this someone who can sell you? You can get a paper resume later!
Thanks to Karen Moehr of Source Group Professionals
![]() | 2. They Will Find You
Got a telemarketer that's hard to shake? That's the person to offer your sales job to.
Thanks to Steve Silberberg of Fatpacking
![]() | 3. Promoting Yourself, Like Charity, Begins At Home
Satisfied customers, of course, make excellent sales people for your products. But so do your children, your great-aunts--even your mother or father if they are real characters, irresistible in their quirkiness. Potential buyers need to relate to ads or promotions you put out there. And family members touting your product make buyers feel they are part of the family.
Thanks to Marlene Caroselli of Center For Professional Development
![]() | 4. Look Within...
Guess what? Your happy customers are your best salespeople. Think about it. If they love you, they're probably your biggest fans. Why not empower them to sell for you? Get them to talk about you on camera. Ask them to be references. Put them on a board and ask them for help. Reward them, if they'll take it. They might not want it. Use them!
Thanks to Jim Kukral of Author, Business Around a Lifestyle
![]() | 5. Your Customers Can Be Your Best Sales Force
Word of mouth is the best advertising and promotion and it's free - kind of. We have to teach our customers how to refer us. We do that by giving excellent service, by telling them the story behind that excellent service and by thanking them when they refer us whether it results in business or not.
Thanks to Susan Bender Phelps of Odyssey Mentoring & Leadership
![]() | 6. Go To The Shoe Store
One of the best places to find a sales person, especially a man is at the shoe store. Shoe stores are a salesperson haven packed with all types of hard to please clients.
Thanks to Marsha King of BuiCatalyst
![]() | 7. Better Than Me!
The best salesperson I've ever had are my satisfied clients. 90% of my work is word-of-mouth and nothing sells better than the person who has no stake in the outcome other than helping another person/colleague out by reporting thier own happy experience.
Thanks to Joni Daniels of Daniels & Associates
![]() | 8. We Hired Our Customers To Sell!
We realized our target market was woman who were just like us and loved our products! So we went directly to our customers, who had been buying our products for years, and offered them commission to sell for us. We launched a home party program with them and pay them a cool 25% commission on all sales. Our new "Ball Moms" quickly moved to the fastest selling segment of our business above store and internet sales!
Thanks to Lisa Assenza of HuePhoria
![]() | 9. Recruit Your Competition!
The best way to find red hot sales people for your small business is to offer a joint venture to your competitors. By turning them from “the competition” into valued partners, you change the face of the way you both do business, and you turn an enemy into a friend.
Your competition has the same customers as you have. What better way to sell your business than letting your competitors sell to their customer base for you. You can do the same for them, and both parties win! JV = Powerful Business
Thanks to Ian Greenwood of Www.IanGeenwood.com
![]() | 10. Every Customer Is A Salesperson
I don't have a single salesperson on my payroll, but I have thousands of them working for free. My customers have referred far more business my way than I could ever expect from a top performing sales professional. So, how do I make this happen? I communicate directly with my customers, deliver what they want (even if they haven't asked for it), and do everything humanly possible to keep them happy (regardless of profit). And in return, they sell The Lollipop Book Club better than I could.
Thanks to Karen Gallagher of The Lollipop Book Club
![]() | 11. That's Easy!
Their best salesperson could be their best customer - someone who obviously believes in their products. Talk with them first, then if not interested ask them who they believe would be a great sales person.
Thanks to Bill Humbert of RecruiterGuy.com
![]() | 12. Let Your Ball Team Sell Your Stuff
Do you want an INSTANT team of sellers??? Sponsor a sport team! Name your team to promote your business. Get your team excited about what you sell. Get to know the players. Go the games. Better yet, PLAY on the team! My invention, The FAB Light(TM), was invented around the team cooler of my ladies fastball team. Stick it to the inside lid of your cooler, raise the lid, the light goes on. My team's name? The FABulasses! $1 for every FAB Light sold by the team goes toward new gear. Win/win
Thanks to Linda Pond of LindaLeePond.com
![]() | 13. Customer Advocates Can Often Be Your Best Sales Force!
Want results? Secure your best customer advocates as part of your sales team. They are believers and will exude that confidence when making the sale. I have always said, in order to sell it, you have to believe in it. And what better source than a customer-base for that person?!?
Thanks to Carissa Newton of Full Circle Marketing
![]() | 14. Steal The Best From Your Competitors
Small businesses many times make the mistake of hiring 'newbie' sales people which means tons of training and mentoring is required to get them productive, if they ever become productive. Unless you want to take on that role (and reduce your own productivity), steal, umm...I mean hire the best from your competitors. They know the market, they know your industry and they have a proven track record. Of course, it will cost you. You may find, however, that it will cost you less in the long run.
Thanks to David Weaver of The Weaver Group
![]() | 15. Seek First Values The Results Follow
Good sales people have high positive core values. Look for those who consistently demonstrate those behaviors. For these are the folks who will return phone calls, who will go the extra mile, who truly care about the your company and your clients. These are not the people that will cut corners or do anything to "close the deal." Remember, its your reputation on the line, seek first values and increase sales along with other results will follow.
Thanks to Leanne Hoagland-Smith of ADVANCED SYSTEMS
![]() | 16. Right Words Attract The Right People
Use the right words in any job opening announcement. Words like challenge, deadline, risk, entrepreneur, new, creative, flexible, improvise, convince, cutting edge, and opportunity are words that great sales people respond to.
Thanks to Richard Deems of WorkLife Design
![]() | 17. Take Care Of Your Customers!
As a small business, your best salesperson is a satisfied customer. Referrall business is the best kind of business to get since it's more profitable and more likely to close quickly. Social proof is a powerful form of persuasion. Take care of your customers and ask your best ones who they know that can benefit from your product or service.
Thanks to Nigel Swaby of Swaby Online Media
![]() | 18. Hiring Great People
LinkedIn is a great source when you are looking to hire great people. LinkedIn allows you to search by location, and skill set. Craigslist is also a good place along with Facebook Ads. Be sure to know exactly what kind of sales skills you are requiring. Waiters and Waitresses also make great salespeople that you can train for your particular needs. Never hurts to ask!
Thanks to Robin Gerhart of UpYourMarket.com
![]() | 19. Find Those With Passion
No matter where you seek out new sales people (Craigslist, Monster, employees from competing companies), make sure they have a passion for what they are selling. This can usually be determined in one interview and when you find someone who cares as much about your industry as you do, don't let them slip away!
Thanks to Gabe Havard of Roofing Fort Worth
![]() | 20. Linkedin Is A Great Sales Person Research Tool
Grow your connections on LinkedIn and then leverage those connections. Use the Search feature and use keywords to find people looking. You can use the many features on LinkedIn to make inquiries and post position openings. Connect with me on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/primeconcepts Remember to carefully check their references, do pre-testing and expect them to send you a sales letter to see how well they promote themselves.
Thanks to Ford Saeks of Prime Concepts Group Inc
![]() | 21. A Good Salesperson Is One That You Steal
Find your competition and steal the salesperson from them....it's done all the time.
Thanks to Joann Perahia of Systemic Solutions Inc.
![]() | 22. Passion
Hire for passion. Hire someone that is passionate about your product or service. Passion trumps all!
Thanks to Tom Smith of Tar Heel Bear Ventures
![]() | 23. Passion And Track Record=Top Sales
Two things that a sales person must have is passion and a track record. Not even the best sales person can force themselves to sell something they don't love. If they are a true sales person, they will be able to show you a history of successful sales. Even if they sold as a volunteer. I started my career "selling" babysitting services as an 11 year old. I convinced parents to use my services. It doesn't matter when they began selling - they need to be able to relate their sales success.
Thanks to Linda M. Farley of Farley Training
![]() | 24. Past Client
Your past client would be a great sale rep for the company because it's free and they already tried your service/product. Ask them to “like” Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Also, send out a survey to them. Some Question:
Can we use you as a reference if a client wants to know more about our experiences? What would you consider telling other clients who may consider hiring us for their event? Do you have anyone in mind that might be interested in our service/product?
Thanks to Leeta Song of Luna Earth Event Decor
![]() | 25. It Takes A Team... So Join One!
Joining a determined networking group is one great way to recruit a sales team. Members are all on the same page in their commitment to actively recommending each other to daily business contacts. Groups like BNI offer the advantage of exclusiveness (only one dentist, one carpenter, etc.). I've also found Chamber groups to be really beneficial. There is a shared energy that not only generates leads, but also offers the chance to feel good about helping someone else build their business.
Thanks to Gloria Justice of Glo Justice Connects, of Smith Justice Group
![]() | 26. It's Not Where, But How?
The small business needs effective sales people. However, it is not IBM that has a recognized brand, plus the ability to withstand many errors. Hence the small business must define what the business needs and what it can pay in compensation. It then should set out to find the right profiled person using a rigorous method and preferably include psychometric testing. Develop a hiring process, include an orientation process, and start over if the selection seems wrong. A system is key!
Thanks to Alrick Robinson of The Small Business Survival Guide
![]() | 27. Go To A Meetup
Meetups are organized all over the country, and even across the world. Find one that focuses on your industry. If people want to learn about your area of focus, then you can often find a good relationship builder. That's what you want to find, not just a place that attracts salespeople in general.
You don't want anyone selling your product. You want someone passionate about your industry and cause, and someone who cares about the long-term relationship.
Thanks to Pamela Hawley of UniversalGiving
![]() | 28. Look For A Retired Association President
The best sales person is someone that your clients already know and trust. Retired association past Presidents make great sales people because by definition they had to earn the trust to reach their position. Everyone knows them and if they were respected then most of the association members like them and want to help them. If you find one that is retired you can usually hire them for less and they have more time to devote to your business.
Thanks to John Paul Engel of Knowledge Capital Consulting
![]() | 29. Sales Reps Rule
If you have a product line, a reputable sales rep is key to raising your sales volume. Here are my top three ways to find reps.
1. Look at the websites of the other product lines you see in the same boutiques You want to sell to as they usually list their reps under the wholesale tab. 2. Attend trade shows you wish you were in - most reps attend the shows with clients. 3. Post an ad on www.greatrep.com and see who finds you. Good luck
Thanks to Sarah Shaw of Entreprenette
![]() | 30. You'll Find Them Here:
Working at other companies that make great sales.
But you catch great salespersons by showing WHAT you want to sell. The best will show up.
Thanks to Mark Biemans of MarK BIEMANS PROJECTS
31. Where Do You Catch A Moose?
The same way you catch a Moose.You first do some study about the moose .Its habitat ,the food it likes so that you can set your bait etc .In my town there was a drive in restaurant where almost all salesguys landed up for lunch.By observing them there where they werent wearing their mask you could see the "true blue " salesgiuy.By observing their style ,their body language and their passion it was quite simple to approach them and give them an offer which they would find hard to reist.
Thanks to Samuel Eddy of EMCom
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![]() | 32. Forget The Other Tips!
Forget nearly all of these other tips. I've been hiring salespeople for 15 years, and the ONLY way to consistently and repeatedly find good salespeople is by conducting a search, building a large candidate pool, using multiple interviews and assessments to eliminate the wrong candidates, and hiring the best from the pool. You'll see a lot of other tips here for friend referrals, employee referrals, social networking, hiring from customers or competitors, etc. Don't hire from a pool of one.
Thanks to Troy Harrison of SalesForce Solutions
![]() | 33. Marketing Is The Ultimate Leverage Tool
The great thing about marketing is that it helps you automate the selling process so we, as small business owners, don't have to worry so much about hiring sales people to so the selling for us. Most, not all, of today's selling can be done by marketing to get people to a place where sales can take place in more of a mass format instead of in a one-on-one situation. Sales letters, teleseminars, webinars, and live events are all examples of ways to sell in mass instead of to the individual.
Thanks to Diane Conklin of Complete Marketing Systems
![]() | 34. Your Clients Are Your Best Sales People
Whether you sell a product or service, past and current clients are an excellent sales force. This goes beyond referrals. If I'm short staffed I know I can turn to past Brides. They've been meticulously trained when they went through the sales process with me. Past clients have a clear understanding of how you best represent your business through their own experiences and interactions with you. Best yet, they already believe in the product or service they are selling.
Thanks to Beth LeonGuerrero of WildFlowers Inc.
![]() | 35. Referrals, Referrals, Referrals
Offer your top salespeople a referral reward for recommending someone you hire and who performs (you set the goal.) The top salespeople already network with other top salespeople. The very best don't fear competition but love rewards. CAUTION: don't try this yourself or you could be called and treated like a poacher.
Thanks to Patricia Weber of Courage Coach For Sales and Networking Reluctant
![]() | 36. Sales People?
Your best sales people are all those in your network. Your clients, vendors, peers and other associates can refer a ton of business to you and if you do a great job and continue your networking, your reputation will drive people to you.
Thanks to Gayle Carson of Carson Research Center
![]() | 37. Barter, Baby!
I belong to a barter network. They are amazing salespeople. What benefits me as a small business owner is that they do the bulk of the work! Once they refer a sales to me, the lead is 90% closed. The cash fee I pay I think of as a commission - way less than I would pay a regular salesperson. Plus, most barter clients give referrals to cash clients, so it expands my network by leveraging someone else's network, but with actual work behind the referral - not just "I met someone who..."
Thanks to Lynne McNamee of Always Visible Signs, LLC
![]() | 38. Sales Training Is A Must
Making the right hire is important, but even more important is the training and knowledge you give the individual on your product or service - without a crash course of information, and the right mindset when it comes to providing service, the new hire will clearly understand the "feeling" you're trying to have come across. With a little bit of guidance and training, you can polish up the best salesperson to fit your sales department perfectly.
Thanks to Bradley Barks of Dental Assistant
![]() | 39. The Proof Is In The Pudding!
To borrow from Mahatma Gandhi, "your life is your message." In other words, the best sales person is the one who has used your product or service and who has benefited from it. This person will sell with his/her enthusiasm and personal testimonials.
What better way to sell a product or service than to say, honestly, "it has changed my life!" For example, I love what I have learned through the School of Metaphysics, so it's easy for me to enumerate and "sell" the many ways it has helped me.
Thanks to Laurel Clark of School Of Metaphysics
![]() | 40. Finding A Clone
A Small Business Owner needs to find a Salesperson who is just as excited about the Product or Business as they themselves are.
Thanks to Nancy Reffle of Coeur d'Alene
![]() | 41. They Have To Sale Themselves!
The best places to find good sales people are service places like restaurant waiters and waitress. ( not the ones that spit in your food). The fun, outgoing ones that don’t get offended real easy, the ones that no their working for the best tip, these are sales people! You just have to find the right one for your product and company.
Thanks to Troy Cooper of 72 Degrees Cooper Brothers, Inc.
![]() | 42. Customer Evangelists = New Salesmen!
Identify your happiest clients, communicate with them more often & at a much deeper & personal level. Engage these happy clients in your business as more than a client, listen to them, give them early or exclusive access, lower prices or whatever it takes to turn them into your customer evangelists. Learn from Apple, Apple users are consistently selling Apple to others, they are singing praises of iPhone, iPad, Mac & CONVERTING others into Apple customers. Your customers are your new salesmen.
Thanks to Devesh Dwivedi of Breaking The 9 To 5 Jail
![]() | 43. Will Work For Food
Most people abhor sales — and think they aren't capable of selling. But put a woman or man in economic distress, and they often find that selling is an attainable skill just like any other.
If you're looking for great sales people, the economic downturn has put lots of bright, talented people out of work. Be willing to give the opportunity to someone who doesn't have lots of sales experience, but who is motivated to support their family. They may be your brightest sales star!
Thanks to Alison Moore Smith of Make Money With Your Blog
![]() | 44. Your Competitors Have Who You Need!
When hiring, most companies primarily focus on women and men that are on the job market, totally overlooking those already employed. If you want a great salesperson, go search out the company that has the type of person you want - and hire them out. This does not discount searching in the jobless market, but move on to those employed before you compromise and hire a less capable person.
Thanks to Bernadette Boas of Ball of Fire, Inc.
![]() | 45. Look Within
Since you can't clone yourself, the next best thing is to find someone within your organization who thoroughly understands your business and feels passionate about it. That person can turn out to be a great marketing asset even if he or she doesn't have the traditional sales background. You can always teach the skills but you can't teach folks to feel the love. Find a great cheerleader and you've got a winner to add to your team!
Thanks to Iris Salsman of I. Salsman PR
![]() | 46. Yin Can't BE Without Yang
Identification and usage of products should be the top priority of sales people, nothing more, nothing less. Anyone who truly wants to sell, should have bought or want to but the product that they are selling. We often have people who have used our products become part of our team, because they believe in what we offer. If a potential salesperson doesn't believe in what you sell and simply wants to make a sale, well that is yin without the yang.
Thanks to Brian Collins of Life In Synergy
![]() | 47. Customer Is King
Far and away the best salesperson for ANY company is a satisfied customer. Do great work and that pleased customer will share with others just how wonderful you are to any one who will listen. Nothing sells better than an unsolicited testimony and endorsement.
Thanks to David Zahn of ZAHN Consulting, LLC
![]() | 48. Your Customers
The best salesperson for any business simply has to be a happy customer. Businesses who don't have a vast sales team can really benefit from word of mouth. Concentrate on delivering what you have promised the customer and try and delight them every now and again; who knows what that particular customer can bring.
Thanks to Sarah Moore of Vappingo
Although very difficult to find, start by enticing recognized sales professionals from within your industry. Get referrals from buyers in your target audience who deal with sales people daily. Identify employers that offer highly professional, ongoing sales training programs & steal their sales people. When interviewing sales reps, ask about their passion for selling & value they've given their employers. Sales experts are life-long learners so ask how they stay current in their selling skills.
Thanks to Vicki Lynne Morgan of Russmor Marketing Group
![]() | 50. Satisfied Clients Are Your Best Sales Force
Who knows more about your products or services than your existing customers? Offer them an incentive to promote you to their networks - it could be a gift card, a free product, a credit towards future services - whatever makes sense for your business. This not only encourages them to refer others to you, but encourages the likelihood you'll find out who the referral came from.
Thanks to Janet Barclay of Organized Assistant
![]() | 51. "PROPER TRAINING+BELIEF"I believe you can train any one willing into being a good salesperson...of course it is imperative to believe in your product or service, and be knowlegable on what ever you are selling. It's just that simple!
Thanks to LeeAnn Hopkins of Just Hair
![]() | 52. Look To Your Network
Finding the right salesperson for your small business will not be easy if you go the traditional route of advertising, etc. Instead, focus on your employees, colleagues, family, friends, and neighbors. They will do some initial filtering of candidates so that you do not waste time with that chore. They also know you and your business a little better thereby improving the quality of the potential match.
Thanks to JR Rodrigues of Job Hunt Express
![]() | 53. Where To Find Good Sales People
I believe that good sales people can be found by working with people who have a vested interest in your success and do not employ the "employee mindset", even if they are an employee or not. You want someone who is going to come in with ideas, challenges and suggestions and not to come in and collect a paycheck. You may find these people such as freelancers, independent sales pros, people who are in your industry but not necessarily in that role, and people who just plain love what they do!
Thanks to Doreen Patrick of Virtual Business Partners.net
![]() | 54. Your Best Customers Are Your Best Sales People
Find out why your regular customers keep coming back. What makes them excited about your business over others? That is your best salesperson. Perhaps they are looking to supplement their income.
Thanks to Caren Weinstein of Marketing Light + Power Co.
![]() | 55. Finding Salespeople
A good salesperson is a good sales person. Just because they were selling widgets for years, doesn't mean that can't sell soft goods, financial services or anything else.
All it takes in motivation (and not just money). My friend was in the restaurant business for eons. He retired and was growing restless. I offered him a part-time sales job. His response, "I don't know anything about what a CFO does!". My response was we'll teach you what you need and hold your hand. He signed on!
Thanks to Wayne Spivak of SBA * Consulting, LTD
![]() | 56. Hire An Actress
People who act know how to engage an audience. That's perfect for sales. Most actresses lack enough work and prefer sales work to waiting tables.
Thanks to Donald Mitchell of The 400 Year Project
Look with today's technology it's easier than ever to clone your very best salesperson on video and then you can deliver the perfect pitch via online video or DVD. If you need face to face sales you send out cs reps with you on video. Then you just have to train them to open up their iPad and press play and push the contract across the table at the end. RESOURCE: Robert Chesney, Chesney Communications, Irvine,CA has been producing these type of videos for at least 15 years. Call him!
Thanks to David Boufford of David Boufford, Business Growth Consulting
Not being able to afford to hire at this time I always look at my current customer list to help out sales.
By offering my customers incentives to tell their friends about my products or asking them for a list of friends who might be interested in my products as well as themselves I have been able to increase my sales and found new venues to increase my customer base. Also when I come across entrepreneurs like myself who have an interest in my products I will offer them a chance to join up.
Thanks to Jeffrey Byer of Reminicents Penny Bracelet
![]() | 59. Don't Hires Sales People--Make Them
At our company, we rarely ever hire anyone that has the specific title of salesperson. We hire people to fill any gap that is left unmanaged, and we then turn those people into salesmen. One of the best strategies we have used was to incetivize all sales--this includes membership sales, affiliate sales, and public relations mentions. If you offer an incentive for these sales, the outcome will be that the best salesman will end up coming forth on his or her own.
Thanks to Michael Pesochinsky ofGovernmentAuctions.org
![]() | 60. Happy Customers Make The Best Sales Force
"Word-of-Mouth" recommendations by satisfied clients save you time, effort and money. Ask some of your better customers for quotes you can use in your marketing materials; contacts from their business networks that they can introduce you to; and, the possibility of hosting an "open house" to share their positive experiences with your product/service with potential customers.
Thanks to Brad Dude of Brad Dude & Associates
![]() | 61. Eureka! I Stink At Hiring Sales People!
After wasting too much money, I realized I stink at hiring & managing sales people. I was hiring sales people who couldn't sell anyone, except me. Now I rely on:
- The internet. Doesn't call in sick; doesn't have personal probs. - I look for other companies selling to my customers, and I ask them to sell my products. I make it profitable for them. They know how to hire & manage sales people a lot better than I do. They employ more salespeople than I ever could. Hard to find but worth it.
Thanks to Andrew Greess of Quality Equipment & Spray
![]() | 62. Deliver Value, Get Value
Provide excellent service to your customers and they will sell your product or service better than any paid salesperson ever could.
Thanks to Mia Salituro of Mia Salituro ESL Business Communications