A simple Flex Builder contact form

Ok here is my simple flex builder contact form. It will validate fields then post form data to a backend page for processing. This Flex Builder Form does not use the httpservice to retrieve information its just a simple post form that keeps the bots from filling out the form on a standard web site


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<mx:Application xmlns:validators="validators.*" applicationComplete="validator()" xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" width="480" height="500" backgroundGradientColors="[#ffffff, #ffffff]">



                                private function validator():void {

        submitButton.enabled = Validator.validateAll(

            [requireName, requirePhone, validateEmail]).length == 0;


                private function submit():void {

        var args:URLVariables = new URLVariables();

        args.oName = oName.text;

        args.oEmail = oEmail.text;

        args.oPhone = oPhone.text;

                                args.oMessage = oMessage.text;

        var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://www.cdrepro.com/mailer.cfm");

        url.method = "POST";

        url.data = args;





                <mx:Form name="mailer" x="0" y="0" width="470" height="481">

                                <mx:FormItem label="Name:" required="true">

                                                <mx:TextInput name="oName" id="oName" width="256" change="validator()"/>


                                <mx:FormItem label="Email:" required="true">

                                                <mx:TextInput name="oEmail" id="oEmail" width="255" change="validator()"/>


                                <mx:FormItem label="Phone:" required="true">

                                                <mx:TextInput name="oPhone" id="oPhone" width="255" change="validator()"/>


                                <mx:FormItem label="Message:">

                                                <mx:TextArea width="333" name="oMessage" id="oMessage" height="317"/>



                                                <mx:Button id="submitButton" label="Submit Request" click="submit()"/>



                <mx:Validator id="requireName" required="true" source="{oName}" property="text" />

    <mx:Validator id="requirePhone" required="true" source="{oPhone}" property="text" />

    <mx:EmailValidator id="validateEmail" required="true" source="{oEmail}"  property="text" />





Memphis Web Design

Memphis, TN


