Marketing your website

Location, location, location. The number one rule in buying advertising. Well where do you point your marketing efforts online isn't the location the internet? Contrary to public perception no its not. For instance services and products that target web designers and programmers may be more effective on Google then Aol most of thoes people have broadband and dont use dial up services. Another example would be someone selling a service for designers would have better results targeting Mac forums etc.. ( alot of designeres prefer Macs ).
Determing where to concentrate your efforts is tricky business. You need to 1st of all be honest to yourself as to who your core market will be. I have a friend that sells tin toys and he fancys that his core market are tin toy collectors. After taking a look at his web analitics and his sales reports I can tell you that his core market is older generation that  are buying nostalgic gifts for grandkids and so forth. So he loose alot of traffic he could get by marketing to that group, however he wants to be stuborn and continue to market to the tin toy collectors. The traffic his site gets from those efforts spends an average of 5 seconds on the site before bouncing out.
Memphis Web Design


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