Google+ Marketing Tips for Car Dealers: 64 Action Items Plus Infographic

Google+ Marketing Tips for Car Dealers: 64 Action Items Plus Infographic:

64 Google+ Marketing and Branding Tips for Car Dealers and Automotive Marketing Professionals – Plus Infographic!

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Google+ is a social media network that most people don’t seem to understand.

It has now been with us in the social web ecosystem for over 12 months and has now reached over 400 million users. Despite this, it is underestimated as a tool for marketing your business and brand.
Maria Peagler calls it “The Rodney Dangerfield of social networks, because it gets no respect! It has tremendous SEO and branding potential, but few people realize the power it has“.
Just like Facebook it has personal and brand pages that allow you to post text, images and video. It has been designed from day one to be multi-media rich and optimized for mobile. It has forced Facebook to evolve more rapidly and enhance its features such as live video, larger and higher definition images and an improved user interface. What is often forgotten is that Facebook has been with us for over 8 years old and Google+ by providing a more modern look and feel has added vital competitive pressure to the social media landscape.

3 Key Features of Google+

Google+ offeres capabilities that make connecting and engaging online globally, richer and easier than in the past.
The following three features are valued by many users on Google+.


Hangouts allow you to have a live video chat with up to 10 people and many tools and and extensions have been created to make this a richer experience. Google+ hangouts have been embraced by communities globally, both personally and for business that allow real time face to face engagement. This builds sronger ties and relationships that just textual communication cannot.

No Limits to the Size of Articles

Despite Google+ having strong multi-media features, one of the Google+ features that is highly valued and widely embedded in its culture is the ability to add long articles. Long form content in text format is valued by  many of the Google+ community as it displays thought leadership and expertise.


This feature allows you to easily drag and drop users into custom created circles that can be private or public. Much of the discussions and engagement on Google+ is private which has led to the misnomer that it is a Ghost Town. It is used by many businesses to have private discussions with industry groups and communities.
Below are 64 more tips,tactics and features that you can utilize with Google+.

Infographic Source: Maria Peagler at Social Media Online Classes

What About You?

Are you on Google+? How are you finding its features and functions? Are your friends on Google+ or are they mainly on Facebook?
How are you finding it as a business marketing and branding platform?
If you are a blogger, is it working for you to increase engagement and traffic to your blog?
Look forward to reading your stories in the comments below.



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